Celebrate World Consumer Rights Day with Adhoc.Support
World Consumer Rights Day: Advocate for Your Rights with Adhoc.Support
World Consumer Rights Day is a global event celebrated annually on March 15th, with the primary objective of raising awareness about the rights and needs of consumers. This day serves as an opportunity to demand that the rights of all consumers are respected and protected, and to protest against market abuses and social injustices that undermine those rights.

As a consumer, you have the right to safety, information, choice, and the right to be heard. However, it can be challenging to assert your rights, especially when companies are unwilling to help or respond to your complaints. That’s where Adhoc.Support comes in.
Adhoc.Support: The World’s First and Only Consumer Advocacy Community
Adhoc.Support is the world’s first and only consumer advocacy community that provides a workable solution for identifying and addressing individual and mass consumer complaints. Our data processing system classifies complaints as they are submitted, and where appropriate, system administrators sort them into thematic categories. This classification allows us to empower consumers by providing a platform for them to voice their complaints and have them handled with the seriousness they deserve. Additionally, our platform is designed to make it easy for consumers to submit their complaints, and our community represents the interests of our members in a meaningful way if a mass complaint fails to reach an amicable settlement and other legal solutions become necessary.
Empowering Consumers with Education and Representation
Adhoc.Support is not just another platform, but rather a community where all of us can come together to advocate for our rights as consumers. Our members have access to a comprehensive database of consumer rights, including the right to have access to basic goods and services necessary for survival, protect themselves from hazardous products or services, information about products and services, choose from a variety of quality products and services, voice a complaint about a product or service, consumer education, and representation. We provide consumer education and representation, empowering our members to assert their rights confidently.
Join Adhoc.Support Today!
At Adhoc.Support, we believe that community advocacy is the way forward. We notify our members automatically if their product is involved in a mass complaint and inform them of other procedures. Our community represents the interests of our members in a meaningful way if a mass complaint fails to reach an amicable settlement, and other legal solutions become necessary. We believe that only those who unite and assert their interests through the power of the community will win!
This World Consumer Rights Day, demand that your rights are respected and protected by joining Adhoc.Support, a consumer advocacy community that advocates for the rights of consumers worldwide. Our community is not just a platform, but a growing and evolving movement that encourages consumers to be a force for good. We are dedicated to handling mass consumer complaints efficiently, and our community is built on the idea of „All of us, together!” Get peace of mind and let us handle your complaints while you assert your rights confidently. Adhoc.Support provides a platform for consumers to have their complaints heard and resolved, empowering them to demand that their rights are respected and protected. We encourage consumers worldwide to join our growing and evolving community, and together we can advocate for our rights as consumers on a global scale. Join us today and be a part of a movement that makes a difference!
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