Another Adhoc.Support case
The Adhoc.Support consumer advocacy community is built on a voluntary basis
Do you like our community? Would you like to support? Has our solution made your life better? Did we put a smile on your face? Don’t hesitate: support our work by contributing to our success and enjoy the benefits of our global advocacy community. People like to do good, to be good and to be in a group of good people. It is a community. The power of community lies in coming together. Support is one of the ways of joining forces. Come and join us! …
Adhoc.Support advocacy community
The Adhoc.Support community is responding quickly with its number of preventive product tests, its meaningful steps towards quality, and its own local and international online complaint reporting platform. Across Europe, this background provides real-time supportive expertise and a coordinated solution and response! …
Our whole life is an Adhoc.Support!
The power of our community is that we can use the focal point to achieve manufacturer responsibility: as borders disappear, the combined number of complaints, up to several thousand, can highlight the deliberate negligence of some manufacturers. It is hoped that manufacturers will recognise the usefulness of the Adhoc.Support advocacy community and its analysis, guidelines and complaint alerts. …
Handling a complaint is a conflict
Over the years, tens of thousands of mobile phones have had typical faults. The manufacturer had denied the fault despite dozens of complaints from customers in different reseller shops in different countries. The complaints were made several months after the purchase, but the manufacturer simply turned a blind eye to the technical defects of the products. Then the Internet overcame geographical borders and the mass complaint was made: the multi backed down in court. …